Monday, November 9, 2020

11.9.2020: 10:07pm

gonna be so mad if I find out I didn't need to be half as nearly as whatever it is that I am

skin peeling from inside my mouth

maybe too much medication

mixing toothpaste and orajel (20% benzocaine) with these benzonatate pearls 

brushing my teeth seven times a day

they've never been cleaner

oh my god does it hurt when the numb fades

should be the happiest I've been all year otherwise

biden won so there's that

there's at least four years of that

and kamala harris

would still be cool if she passed nationwide legalization and then released and gave money to everyone incarcerated for cannabis and non-violent drug offenses (at least that's a start)

hey multiple states just passed a lot of new laws 

who knows what kind of future is possible if love can get ahead of greed

if enlightenment can catch up before ignorance twists the view

got help with my electric bill - grateful these programs exist

wonder what makes them tick

hopefully will get help with rent too

still don't know yet

amazing really that's even an option

and if it isn't for everyone

why not?

could that be something good

to come out of this mess?

is it so weird that I'm hellbent on helping the planet

or weird that absolutely everyone else isn't?

just that I don't do shit

lemme know when you get something done, bitch

maybe it's not the wanting to

but the thinking I could

but isn't that what we instill

isn't that what they tell us

you could be the one 

that changes everything

someone will be

why not you or me

why not both

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