Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sour Gripes [Laundry]

In an effort to motivate myself out of depression, and plain old ungratefulness, I'm starting a new topic on this blog: Sour Gripes.

As an American, and a fairly insightful one, I know a lot of things we complain about are luxuries. But I'm human, I do it too.

For example, I've got to do laundry. I'm all out of clean clothes. I live on the 13th floor and the machines are in the basement. When I think about doing it, I get flustered at the idea of dragging my dirty clothes into the elevator - hoping no one else is around - because I'm dressed in my very worst - and then loading my precious few clothes into the machines downstairs which are gunked with mold and nasty whatever. I've got to worry that somebody might get impatient and take my stuff out if I'm not there right away, or maybe just steal my stuff all together. It's not like there are cameras down there. It's happened before.

So here's how this'll work. Whenever I don't want to do something, I type that into Google. Search Images and Videos and I'll post the best examples of just how lucky I am - how lucky most people reading this are. It's meant to raise awareness. It's meant to motivate. I'm not saying the way other people in the world do laundry is wrong or bad or so pitiful, but let me put it this way: the American mindset is that time is valuable. If you're spending hours a day physically washing your clothes, and you only have the tools and resources to do it in possibly unhealthy conditions, then you have my respect. And you've made me feel a lot less resistant to the free laundry in the basement - something unique even among colleges alone. I'm not trying to be ethnocentric is my point, and sorry if it comes out that way. Just to keep it balanced, I'll try to find some cheerful examples too. Very few things are all bad, you know.

Oh and here's a Wikipedia article, cause knowledge is power y'all: LAUNDRY, a history

I look forward to your feedback, world.

1) So this little girl is washing with - I'm guessing - her Mom. Isn't she sweet? I just wonder how safe those chemicals are on her tiny hands.

2) I suppose it's not so bad - at least the little girl and her village has water.

3) Super Suds in Long Beach seems pretty awesome. They've got video games, and I wouldn't mind small talk with this lady. She seems neat:

4) This guy seriously really bugs me. Give Americans some credit man, geeze. Oh, and go to a public  laundromat when you get home. Sometimes you don't have to travel so far away to have new experiences.

5) Best for last! CLUBWASH:BRNO 

This is where I did my laundry abroad. They've got a few machines, and they wash, dry, and fold all your stuff for you. Oh, and did I mention it was a pub too? Which meant every Monday was PubQuiz! Awesome place. Got to love those Czechs!!!

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