Sunday, October 30, 2011

Identity Theory [unfinished]

Inspired by reading Freedom. On page 271 at this point. 

Everyone must believe what they are doing is right, or else implode

*All can augment based on external factors at the time: who is around, what the goal is, worries and fears, hopes, expectations, power dynamics, current events and consciousness 

FURTHER it is impacted and boundaried by the time and place in which one lives. 

·         Nature:
-          personality without impeding or influencing factors
§  naturally “big”, outspoken, quiet, introvert, extrovert, Kinsey scale,
-          genetics
§  pain levels, anxiety, mental illness, body image control, capacity for empathy, capacity for connectivity and relationships, intellect (learning styles, formation of neural connections), energy, potential, propensity
·         Nurture
-          background
-          family dynamics
-          religious/moral upbringing
§  sense of purpose
§  right and wrong
§  what an ideal person would be
-          socio-economic situation
§  comfort level
§  level of freedom
§  awareness of world order
§  acceptance
-          Education (levels of naivety, ignorance, or being informed - exposure)
§  Positive or negative experience
·         In school
·         Outside of school
·         At home
§  Psychological Awareness
·         Self awareness
·         Awareness of psychology(motivations and fears) in yourself
·         Awareness of the same in others
§  Life skills
·         Finances
·         Where to go for…
·         What to do if…
§  Street smarts
·         Drugs, sex, races, alternative lifestyles, crime
§  Book smarts
·         Memorization, interpretation
§  World smarts
·         Interest in world events and problems
§  Talents & Passions
·         Approved and encouraged or disregarded
·         Potential for “greatness”
-          Where self-worth and esteem comes from. Where comfort can be found.
-           ..... more to come

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