All human beings are born free and equal.
Everyone is equal regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, politics, or where they were born. Race, class, sex, gender, age both ways, ability, national origin. Genetics do not define character. We each get to define our own identities.
Everyone has the right to life (and to live in freedom and safety). Don't fuck with people.
Everyone has the right to be free from slavery. People do not own people. I am a person. I am a people. You are a person. You are a people. Everyone is a person. Everyone is a people. Everyone is a person. Everyone is a people. Everyone is a person. Everyone is a people.
Everyone has the right to be free from torture.
Everyone has the right to be recognized before the law. Laws are not always lawful. Authorities don't always deserve respect. Who watches the watchers? Be true. Be you. Be real. Be kind.
We are all equal before the law. Laws are not always lawful. Authorities don't always deserve respect. Who watches the watchers? Be true. Be you. Be real. Be kind.
Everyone has the right to seek justice if their rights are violated. Laws are not always lawful. Authorities don't always deserve respect. Who watches the watchers? Be true. Be you. Be real. Be kind.
Everyone has the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Everyone has the right to a fair trial.
Everyone has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Everyone has the right to privacy and freedom from false attacks on their reputation. Do not lie about people.
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and to be free to leave and return to their own country. Please notice when people do not have their own country. It's happened a lot.
Everyone has the right to seek asylum from persecution.
Everyone has the right to a nationality.
Everyone has the right to marry or not marry as they choose and to have a family of their own.
Everyone has the right to own property. Owners should be careful not to violate the rights of people who don't own anything. Never let the only option for survival be destruction either way.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or non religion.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
Everyone has the right to take part in government and to have equal access to public service.
Everyone has the right to social security. We should all be living to 120 and society can be competent enough to genuinely care for everyone their whole lives.
Everyone has the right to work, to equal pay, to protection against unemployment and the right to form and join trade unions.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure.
Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services.
Everyone has the right to education. Learn from everyone. Everyone is both a kind of teacher and student their entire lives. Let knowledge flow freely.
Everyone has the right to participate in and enjoy culture, art and science.
Everyone has the right to a social and international order where the rights in this Declaration can be fully realized.
We have a duty to other people and we should protect their rights and freedoms. Never let someone convince you to kill another or violate their own rights for this purpose.
Nobody can take these rights and freedoms away from us.
"Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!"
emo mizz frizzle has real love for you
Science bitches!
peaceful protest playlist:
In case my internet is cut off, I need people to know:
James Baldwin
"I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually"
"We've got to be as clear-headed about human beings as possible, because we are still each other's only hope."
wednesday october 16, 2024
people must have witnessed the next door neighbor and whoever is in her apartment slam shit out of my window tonight
was someone just at window level from outside as well?
you are hurting me
you have been hurting me and you know it
there is no one I trust to go to for help
what is the point of this
my body hurts because I am terrified
when they slam on the walls or from above it feels like being punched
I can't believe you seriously won't leave me alone
I can't believe no one has made you stop
it must be so obvious who comes and goes from the cameras in the hallway or street cameras outside
satellites even
you know who you are
you know what you've done
tonight it seemed to spook you that I have an audio recording of the sirens fucking around the other day
then someone yelled and did something to my window
what the fuck is wrong with people
how am I supposed to do anything
how dare you waste my life with your cruelty
I would never do any of the shit you have done to me to anybody
can't you see how people have been monsters
this is some kind of scam
i don't see what else you would get out of it
I can't work
I can't function
you just seem to think it's funny
it's not fucking funny
stop using me
stop fucking with me
this is self defense
I don't want anything to do with the people hurting me
they are mean strangers
I have nowhere to go
I should not have to leave because of you
you have been terrorizing me for four fucking years
I couldn't go outside because of covid
but for a year now I haven't been able to get my mail
which means I couldn't vote
I can't be sure they won't do something to me
she followed me out of my apartment and blocked my way up the stairs
I could not breathe
because my body has deteriorated from being stuck in my small room
she lied to my face
I will not speak to her to even try to be diplomatic
what's the point if she will just lie
why should I have to be nice to people who have done nothing but deliberately fuck with me
why have you stuck yourself in my life like this
you have taken away all my independence
I can't get an income
I can't work
I can't write creatively
I am under duress
I have no way to function like I would before 2020
I don't think the protests hurt me
it was these people trying to swoop and ruin everything
I refuse to die or lie to make things easier for anyone to pretend I didn't exist
you fucked up
why should I have to suffer because you fucked up
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to say that I haven't already screamed repeatedly for years in different ways
you fucking know I have been trapped here
I have said multiple times in many ways
including emails to management, city hall, and other organizations and authorities
did you think I was just your pet or something
why would you do this to anyone
I doubt you would ever do this to your own kids
what the fuck did anyone expect to happen
like I would just die or something
or be profitable to you somehow
no fucking way
you shouldn't have fucked with me
I am not leaving
this is my home
it's all I have
how dare you ruin it
have you also been behind the false fire alarms too
what the fuck is wrong with you
genuinely domestic terrorists
why the fuck
universal human rights is the answer and you won't even care enough to do shit for yourselves
there's clearly no authority here
they would never let you just harass someone so obviously for so long
it's like they are looking into my apartment somehow
leave me the fuck alone motherfucking creeps
go away
this is self defense
I won't end my protest because they'll just act like nothing has been wrong
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
do not poison me
do not gas my apartment
do not terrorize me
do not hurt me
stop acting like fucking villains
leave me the fuck alone
universal human rights or everything is bullshit
October 17, 2024
I don't expect you to care.
I expect you to vaguely remember and then have it all click into place a day too late.
This is self defense.
This is a peaceful protest.
I am surviving under duress.
What the ever loving fuck.
I have been screaming in here for years.
How didn't anyone notice?
I have written to city council myself.
They never responded in a way that felt very helpful.
At least not in writing.
So if they helped I never knew about it.
I don't know how anyone could be so oblivious.
Nonsense noise outside today made the point very clear.
Someone runs this street and they have friends with sirens, garbage trucks, weaponized sound machines, and whatever else money can buy and make people hear no see no evil. Bullshit designed to make you seen dumb for complaining. I hope I haunt you.
I have written to organizations and they have helped me sometimes.
Mostly though I feel totally alone.
It seems like the goal was to abuse me and eventually make me homeless.
What is this bullshit city council keeps talking about when it comes to addiction, government dependence, and jobs?
I moved to P***d in 2012 fresh out of college. I have a degree in writing. Minored in women and gender studies. I'm a scifi poet.
I have had a hard time getting my creative work finished. That's usually cliche, but everything since 2020 was more abuse than just writer's block.
It seems like someone wanted me to write but only what they wanted and if I don't then they're just acting like I didn't exist. I write for truth not for you.
I did not move here to fuck with anyone or take anyone's spot.
I worked. Cashier. Cleaning. Night jobs because I could not sleep with the sound from the clubs. I didn't complain. It was still cool back then.
I was treated like shit. I put up with it.
Shit got weird and not the kind of weird people move here for.
I am a medical patient and licenced budtender.
I was fucked with at work. There are clear conflicts of interest there too. The fire department, police, the old management company that ran the building, tr**et, all connected to the main company that wanted me to sign a non disclosure agreement. I never did. I wonder how that is playing into all of this. I am in over my head. Everyone is friends and can obviously pay or bully people to say or do whatever they want them to.
Another reason we needed measure one ten to work and it seemed sabotaged because it is too good of a leash to strangle people with. Absolute heartlessness and greed.
Please stop hurting me.
Goddamn it.
Earlier tonight someone gassed my home with some noxious shit like they're trying to make me actually hate weed or something. Some bad science about conversion therapy, but to make you hate what you used to love. Maybe just to isolate me from regular people having regular fun lives. Stripping my ear canals with music in 2020. Making me scared of people in general. Worried about safety or privacy. Making it hard to just function.
Weed is medicine. Go get drunk you jerks.
Normally I would be about intersectional solidarity.
No shade to people who do different things.
But what bullshit is this?
I can only guess.
It seems like someone wanted me to be their Nancy Reagan. Or their wh*re? Somehow both? Whatever.
Never b*tch.
You don't know me.
You don't own me.
No one fucking owns me.
I refuse to be used.
I am completely traumatized.
My body has deteriorated and I can't work like I used to.
Getting upset or scared makes everything hurt.
I can't afford medicine whether cannabis or naproxen now as it is.
I can't even get my mail because I've been harassed and I don't know what someone will do to me.
They have been hurting me in here.
And now you're threatening to kick me out onto the street?
I cannot leave my apartment.
This is low income housing.
This was supposed to have supportive services. That's what the millions of dollars to help house people is supposed to be for.
Did you want me to have a bad experience on purpose the whole time I was in P***d in the first place? Make me write about why everything progressive isn't working out?
I am trying to be smarter than the psych op.
Someone is fucking using me for some agenda I would have never agreed to.
This is evil.
It feels like they displaced everyone they could since the COVID shut downs.
Something here is a cult.
My instinct is that it's religious based or someone was trying to start their own religion thing to have power over people.
I would never choose to play god. Or the devil for that matter. If someone really cares about you they just tell you the truth. They don't try to make you believe in Santa so they can play Santa and hook everyone up to their sleigh.
I am a humanist.
P***d has special protections for non believers.
It is an asylum city.
I should have been at home here too.
What is your fucking deal?
I was never an addict. Weed is medicine. Weed is all I need, all I want, all I care about when it comes to chemically changing myself. I have seen a lifetime of pharmaceutical medications and their impact on friends and family. Therapy since I was seven years old. I have PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I am not crazy. And shit you call crazy is probably a communication issue anyway. People exploit vulnerabilities for money. That is what is really insane.
It is ableist and against basic science to force people to live sober/unmedicated just because that's some standard people want to set for their kids. Or because they want to feel stronger than someone else. We all need therapy we can trust. I have had my fair share of experiences. I could have been a therapist myself. I feel justified in my distrust. Maybe money should have never been part of medicine.
I will need government assistance. Food stamps kept me alive. My parents were disabled. They hated the disability program. It kept them just barely alive. I do not have their problems and it was wrong to loop us together. It feels like someone tried to make me disabled too, so they could dismiss me like they dismissed them.
I spent more time with teachers at school than I ever did in the so called real world or even with friends. My whole family is all of three people and poor. That is why I was sent away to a free boarding school in the first place. I earned my college scholarship every single fucking day. I didn't get to have fun. My life can't be compared to most people. My whole life including my schooling has demonized needing help as if there's any other option.
I am not trying to be special. I am trying to communicate facts before it's too late.
And I worked. I have done jobs no one else even has to consider applying for. Often a janitor. I've been cleaning to the same standards taught to me at ten years old. I have been doing other people's laundry and scrubbing other people's shit stains and vacuumming the proper way with the cord over my shoulder, looking under furniture for pieces of paper they used to make sure we did a good job since I was fucking ten. And I was a star student. Nobody gets to act like I didn't work hard enough.
I have earned my goddamn life in ways no one else is expected to do and I'm scared that was the standard they were trying to set for everyone. It has militarized life itself.
No one wants to be a slave on the moon or Mars any more than they did on earth.
My life feels like a civil war crime.
This is fucking bullshit.
People on this street screaming "get out"
"go home stay home"
in 2020.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you do this to anyone?
Did you hijack the black lives matter protests?!
Watching cops and military beat up protesters for over 100 days.
Watching people across the street in nonsensical situations while COVID was raging. Yelling shit outside. Banging on things. Being scary. Was never like that before 2020.
This was some kind of fucked up program but I can't figure out why.
People just wanted someone to abuse or save them or some shit.
And now that I have no way to have a real income and my body is broken you're going to make me homeless too.
I will not be quiet.
Keep talking about the millions of dollars that are supposed to keep people housed.
How didn't anyone notice or care for four years?
Where is everyone who used to be here?
I have been screaming.
I don't know enough to understand and guessing just seems to give the wrong people cover to hide their cruelty.
If you were deliberately hurting me
then you must know who you are
and who paid you
or has been making you
do whatever to me.
Don't fucking kill me.
Leave me alone to live in my apartment.
I am not going back to the east coast.
I have been in P***d longer than I ever lived anywhere else.
Don't fucking displace me.
Total hypocrisy.
I have had to be scared of eviction every month on some level the entire time I lived here.
But after my cat died it has really seemed like people would just watch me die too.
And now you're trying to kick me out on the street instead of dealing with the trauma you have caused me.
I am not a supreme court soap opera.
Stop doing shit to me.
I am pretty much begging you.
This is just wrong .
Someone smart please make it make sense.
Someone out there just admit what you've been told to do.
It must have all been for some reason.
People are behind everything.
I just can't figure out what anybody really wanted.
P***d taught me eviction is murder.
P***d was supposed to be a liberal mecca.
If that was a trap then I can't just let you do this shit to someone else.
I am never leaving.
Don't fucking kill me.
And holy shit fuck fire.
Please don't pull the alarm again.
Fucking monsters.
Universal human rights or everything is bullshit✨️
75 years of knowing that does feel suspicious.
But it's still true.
October 20, 2024
If someone gave me a million dollars:
Is it going to make me feel safe from psychopaths?
Is it going to give me health? My spine? Eyesight? Singing? Fear of covid? Heal brain damage? Stop potential cancer? Let me live as long as possible under good conditions or get through anything without losing too much in the future?
Will it give me a partner I genuinely love and feel lightning bolts about? who won't leave me or abuse me or use me for shit I don't know about or cheat? Give up on me in a couple years?
People need to have relationships in our lives that would be an outlet for our varying libido levels. Humans are just needy creatures, man. We meet someone. We like them. We respect them. And then when we get turned on, our energy is poured their way. When there is no relationship then the sexual energy gets used up by stuff we don't have an emotional or deeper connection to - and can tend to leave us feeling sad or empty when the sex drive is satiated but other needs are still left unaddressed.
It's not something you can just order up like a meal. Takes time to meet people. Find someone you would like even if sex wasn't a factor at all. And then also be attracted to them. And for that to be consensual.
Looking for it tends to ruin it.
But knowing that's how it works should help.
You can't buy that.
How can I even establish the potential for a relationship like that now? I get delusional about hand signals from a guy I never met who seems like he's a hero but then is playing a game half the time?
A lifetime supply of the best cannabis medicine?
16: remember I said no and my friend was like "you're holding me back and ruining my youth" or some shit so I tried it. I think they seriously passed me an empty bowl. I must have gotten the most residual high in the world. I just felt different for having tried something new I think.
Then a little later a different friend really smoked me out (around the same age). I remember it was like the first time I ever felt happy. I was laughing alone in their room, staring at this cool painting they had made in art class. It clicked for me that people must just have different happiness chemicals in their heads, so they had been walking around "high" that whole time but giving me shit for being depressed.
They were like one offs. Didn't start using cannabis daily until I was in my 20s.
Matters because I was a 4.0 student and shit. I wanted to help prove cannabis was better medicine than all the pharma shit my family was put on. I'm a licensed budtender and medical patient now. 34 years old. Feels like someone has been trying to sabotage that every step of the way though, unfortunately.
Will it save the world? Save the future? Other people, other kids, who needed what I needed? Better therapy. Better education. Housing. Your rights : medicine and law. Food. Care. Internet. Protection from bullies. Protection from cults. How to be actually good with or without gods - and make it cool to be honest like a scientist needs to be honest? To not be left so alone in the stupidity corruption and chaos? Anti genocidal?
Dad died in 2022. Unexpectedly got $100,000 inheritance. It's been gone since about May 2024. It's October 2024 now.
I bought survival stuff, scared I might become homeless. Back up batteries. A tent hammock (I'm using as a bed). Emergency radio. Tarps. Rope. Carts to push shit around. A special coat that was supposed to heat itself.
A lot of it doesn't work, especially the tech. It didn't work when I got it and I couldn't arrange for someone to help me send it back at the time. Or it is broken by now.
If I could have freely left my apartment since 2020 everything would be so different right now.
Also realized too late that if they do make me homeless someone is going to just steal all my shit. I can't physically defend myself. My body has deteriorated from being inside a small room this whole time.
I bought medicine. Broke down the ingredients for flu medication so I didn't get acetaminophen - it hurts your liver if you take even a little too much. Naproxen instead. Antihistamines. Decongestants. Guaifenesin. Stool softener. Gas relief. Orajel 4x. Neosporin. Band aids.
I bought some basic make up. Didn't know what I was doing so I didn't get anything fancy. Tweezers. Eye brown razors. I haven't left my apartment for four years so it's mostly been experimental every now and then.
Art supplies. Paper. Water colors. Water color pens I still really like. Ran out of paper that ended up being used for writing or toilet paper when I ran out of money. I request help for supplies but someone keeps stealing them too.
Bought a bunch of clothes. I wanted to catch up to my generation. But I have had to do laundry by hand and it has been too hard on my back to keep up with so stuff got kinda gross. I haven't been able to access the washer and dryer in the fucking building - people were stealing my clothes before too anyway.
Wigs. Oh my god. I went overboard. I loved them. I just wish I had known how to take care of them properly. What a stupid mess.
Platform boots I love but haven't had a chance to even wear outside yet so it feels stupid. Things that just don't hold the same value as what you paid for them.
Stuff to make the room cool. Space lights and stuff. A lot of things have stopped working by now. The space lights that still work do still give me a lot of happiness and make the room liveable. Shelves - never have anywhere to put anything. These electric candles that are so pretty and look like real flickering candles. I love them. They're still awesome.
Cleaning supplies: trash bags, lysol. I must have spent $3000 on fucking lysol. I hated it as a kid...a specific flavor especially...but it has been the only thing that made me feel safe from the virus, especially if I had to go get my mail...which I haven't felt safe to do for a year now. My neighbors inside the building have been terrorizing me.
I donated about $10,000 to charities and embarrassingly had to ask for donations back by May of 2024. Got some refunds that helped me stay afloat. But most said they couldn't refund me.
Repaid people or gave people money or bought them stuff ... a lot of it was the same stuff I bought for myself that I thought was a good product ... but was really because I didn't want them to feel owed for ever having helped me in the past.
Paid old art tax bills that everyone in the city skips anyway. Just didn't want anything hanging over my head. Biden said he would forgive my student loans because I got Pell grants but that got all fucked up. I shouldn't owe them anything anyway frankly. I spent my childhood scrubbing toilets so I could get college scholarships...only to find myself doing janitorial work with a degree in writing as an adult. The whole thing is bogus to me.
I'm trying to remember everything but am being gangstalked - yes seriously - and I'm out of food and on my period all at once. It's distracting and upsetting. Want to note this because their bullshit has made it hard to function or write (which was supposed to be my work in the first place...)
I spent a good chunk of money on cannabis after going a solid year totally sober. I'm a licensed budtender and medical patient. I've been studying myself on a scientific level for almost a decade - it was never just for fun. Collecting the wrappers and trying to document strains and experiences and doses etc. I don't regret that at all, but will say the devices I bought died within a year and even with RSO/FECO it is just so expensive. I did quit smoking completely, so I guess yay for that. I've never been so alone but yeah, hooray. I haven't been able to afford cannabis medicine for months now. Sometimes I find a cartridge that still has a little bit to it - always reminds me of the story of chanukkah - the oil that just magically keeps lasting. I'm secular but still, feels cool when it happens. The relief is always so obvious it feels absolutely cruel to be forced to live without it. That's why I can't regret spending so much on it - people will probably still judge me for being broke though I'm sure. They love any excuse to stomp someone who needs assistance into silence.
I had wanted an alienware laptop since I was a little girl. Fuck my life. It had a firmware update recently and I can't get it to boot anymore. It even got Microsoft Word included. I'm so devastated I can't think about it. It was the cost of a car - a junk car maybe, but still. Or almost three months rent. And all the games I bought from Steam to play on it hoping that would be my income. The formula worked for so many other people. Get dressed up, play video games, enjoy your life. But my life has been a daily nightmare - again I feel gangstalked - and streaming never worked out. I think I've got attention / motion sickness / pain issues that aren't helping either. I'm too scared to have fun. I watch the news every day and just get terrorized. Then the computer stopped working all together.
I think people are gassing my apartment with something that makes me feel sick and dizzy constantly too.
I think that's everything. Oh I got DNA tests. An indoor security camera. My phone. The phone plan cost me $200 extra the first month and I was paying $65 a month plus regular internet and shit trying to avoid that surcharge from happening again. I don't even get phone calls. I'm glad I have the phone now my computer died and all the photos of my cat...he died in March.
It's the most money I have ever had in my life and feels like that was my one chance to ever do anything and it got wasted being trapped inside my apartment since COVID hit, just being abused by a bunch of strangers.
Now that it seems like I'm facing eviction, it couldn't feel more like a deliberate scam or something. They planned this and were going to take my shit the whole time. Almost makes it fine most of it ended up being shit stuff.
I don't want to lose my apartment. I don't want to be displaced. I don't want to be swept under the rug so they can pretend they never hurt me. I don't want someone to pull a scam or use me for a political agenda. I've been fighting every day in so many ways to just survive and this shit is fucking wrong.
The one neighbor who has been harassing me openly called me crazy, so I know that's what they're going to pull. Try to just make me seem nuts. I am not crazy. This shit was wrong. Couldn't feel more like they proved the CIA or FBI is either incompetent or doesn't even exist. That or they're letting an entire block of people kill me for some reason.
I hope someone smart will understand better than I do someday. Hope I'm not dead by then.
What was the question again?
Biggest waste of money?
Maybe money itself is the biggest waste of life.
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