Saturday, June 17, 2023

choosing the voltaverse

I am not trying to hurt you

but please consider at least once

how differently you would understand life

if you believed people

- always people - 

flawed, fucked, beautiful, cruel, kind, talented, varied, programmable, reprogrammable, full spectrum and multidimensional


are behind everything that ever happened or happens or will happen

how would you understand everything that felt like way more than a coincidence?

horrors written off as part of a larger plan?

so called serendipity that left you broken beyond explanation?

there's no way it all feels so much like bullshit and at least some part of it isn't -

- enough to care because it would change how you lived, how we all lived, how we would have lived if the past had changed it, how the future could live if we change it -

if you had just believed as much in yourselves, each other, me

as you did in the idea that this is how it's supposed to be

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