Saturday, May 22, 2021

Where do we go from here? [2021nderland]

 Rough draft of thoughts in commentary to DOJ Uses Civil Rights-Era Law To Charge Protesters And Insurrectionists

no one in power will benefit from losing that power unless they value humanity more but if they did then things would have been different in the first place

they're gonna try to imprison people almost indefinitely and it's just like locking them up so they can't participate in the government system and throwing all these people together into some kind of weird fucking ... use the jails as some kind of social experiment - let's take the extremes and make them have to live together and we'll use it as a reality tv show since everyone hated the prison system so much 

hippocracy of tear gas

picking on oregon (gee I wonder why)

I just feel like there was a portion of the group labeled insurrectionists which were tricked/manipulated into going, some even paid for - who was poor in the middle of the pandemic and could afford to even go to DC? - and then a huge number of people there acted as shepherds and controlled the energy of the mob

infiltrate and get the energy stirred up to cause damages that will be prosecuted and made examples of later - unbeknownst to those who thought they were there just standing up for themselves regardless of ideology 

mob mentality

cruel, manipulative, not people acting of their own clear headed volition 
they are scared and they believe this is their only available recourse
current events prove the point
what ARE people supposed to do when they peacefully voice concerns and are still ignored
or clearly there's government corruption

just want to make examples of people and then throw them away 
public humilation is the only thing they understand

and then conflating the "extremes" into one group when the argument was the left is acting in self defense of the far right - but even then 

you want to make them seem like the same big scary thing, because that's easier for you, and everybody can feel safe in some middle ground where they can just be good and shut up and don't do much but work and you'll be okay

"adversely effects commerce" - property being held above people's lives - once again 

also no one knows these laws

you can end up dying in prison, people experimenting on you, abusing you, behind closed doors, where no one knows or even cares that you exist

blatantly saying this was a leftover law after the civil rights movement which everyone is taught to see as one of the greatest moments of human history, yet you're using to lead people to their own demise 

the real catch 22 - drawing the line between the racial justice protesters and the insurrectionists to make some point that you can stand up for other people but not against the government - again - what are people supposed to do if they need to stand up to their government, clearly the difference in power makes the fight beyond unfair - it's practically a trap 

the right and wrong way to complain just to be ignored either way

Ironically, I'm almost betraying myself standing up for the insurrectionists in any way because they would see me as an enemy and I am terrified of their supposed ideologies - they'd come to town just to abuse people like me - but they are being fucked over just the same - whether you see it as being radicalized now or the bigger picture where people were never equally educated, fed, housed, and forced into a system where they have to chase after money to survive - the psychological and biological impacts on the human body and spirit does not turn out the best thinking or response - and frankly you're punishing the dog for biting you after you've been beating the shit out of it (metaphorically) 

ruined everybody's life from birth
no wonder people are so disturbed 

arrested 1000 people to let 900 people go after releasing their info online to potential doxxers which just makes people have to live in fear and that shuts them up even more

you're allowed to complain just not in the wrong way
and when no one listens you're supposed to what just not care?

further conflating the argument that it caused economic loss but it was mid pandemic and there should have been guaranteed and indiscriminate safety nets for people so no one was sitting around scared for the last year

a problem with what peaceful means
what happens when they don't listen or work with you or stop the corruption

a protest is supposed to be disruptive so .... 
blocking traffic? how are they supposed to do this?
just slowly shut down every option until there are none without making yourself disposable 

broken window vs murder

yes it's scary and you don't like being scared which is why you're a cop 
retaliate 10,000 times harder but these people are living in fear all the time - OF YOU
then you don't care about listening, you just want to cover your ass
truly "good" cops understand why people say ACAB

then you have this huge middle pool of people who are willing to keep status quo to survive
they're manipulated too
a number game

should have said "calls attention to what people were protesting about in the first place"

this all feels like the joke is on the people who cared
and they're pointing out corruption
and the response is actually you're right, we don't care, and fuck you for trying to change it

people rotting in jail who don't deserve to be there
so fucking wrong

how can you blame the uneducated and also ignore the educated 
meanwhile allowing miseducation

shock docterined into total division

they just want a trade off not an evolution
no one in power will benefit from losing that power unless they value humanity more but if they did then things would have been different in the first place

I am trying to think of a genuine solution but my idealism right now just says MAKE ART NOT WAR
and I'm horrifically glad I didn't go to a single event this past year only because now I might be able to fight for the people who were out there protesting every day 

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