Saturday, July 18, 2020

Love, Portland.

No brutality.
No unfair fights.
No police state.
No excuses to hurt us.

Subvert expectations.
Be defiantly peaceful.
That is my advice.
I see how anything we do can be used to make those protesting against brutality look bad.
Don't let them make examples out of you. Of us.

Something isn't what it seems in Portland.
On June 1st, there were multiple requests by public officials to have the National Guard come here. At first the request was denied, but then 50 National Guard and 100 State Police were deployed. Then the president sent four groups including Homeland Security and Border Patrol officers. Now, after violent altercations with citizens, local leaders are asking for the officers to leave yet also choosing to close down the public park where much of the activity has been happening. Every day there's new footage of what appears to be someone doing nothing being attacked and taken away by agents. Nightly, I'm hearing loud booms that seem to be coming from areas away from where the center of the protests are located. I have been socially isolated for over 50 days and can only explain my limited perspective, but something is very wrong here. Looking to the future, I worry this is a slow death, social murder, for thousands of people and will only serve to secure another term for the current administration by eliminating and making a bad example of anyone who would vote otherwise.



Terrifed at 3am July 17, 2020

No one can probably see this anyway, but do not interact with my account.

Someone set a garbage can on fire across the street from my apartment tonight.

I could be wrong, but I have reason to believe it was actually a local police officer. If they didn't, I don't understand why they didn't get out and ask the people around if they saw anything, especially the woman  across the street who had been yelling horrible shit for however long beforehand.

There's been screaming and yelling on this street all month, I have lost track of the bullshit. It is awful. I do not want to be bullied out of my home. I'm terrified of getting sick on top of it.

I called 911 and they said a fire truck was already on the way, even though the police officer had left the can in flames. The fire people put it out, but didn't ask anyone if they saw who did it either.

This is insane. Even as I write this, another "regular" screamer is saying "get the fuck out bitch" and going off from far away.

Normally I would think people were under duress or mentally ill, but I think they might be paid actors. I think people might be paid to infiltrate the protests as well. I fear they are trying to set up situations to make examples of people or use them for a political purpose. I do not want to die, but in the event of my death, NO ONE should receive any kind of payment for any reason. I also hope this isn't used an an excuse to bring more tyranny to Portland - leave one of the few progressive safe havens alone! Thank you for caring, whoever the fuck you are.


3:18am July 18, 2020

Regular citizens don't have the infrastructure for "anarchy". Even if people united over an area, they would be at a disadvantage compared to power/tech/resources of the rest of the world. Powerless, most of the population has been kept in the dark and divided on purpose.

Do you know how things are run, how they're maintained, how water & air stays clean & lights stay on? Any idea how to fix anything if it breaks down? Or protect each other from exposure to dangers? How to survive a future pandemic, natural disaster, or other catastrophe?

One person going out and living in the woods might survive a lifetime. But everyone eats and shits, and a whole civilization worth of people will need food, clean water, trash & sewage systems - that needs maintenance. And what about those who depend on our help to survive?

So much is mined and made elsewhere & distributed through government contracts - cellphones & tech, equipment, medicine, factories for innovation - there are some things we couldn’t make on our own even if we wanted to. Not as things are today. Globally, we need each other.

Why do you think things stay the same despite every life lost and good intention? The idea that those in power would give up wealth is preposterous & they're moons away from anyone facing tear gas, brutality, eviction & houselessness, medical fears, hunger, social murder etc.

The only real (r)evolution I see is a gradual understanding of everyone’s inherent worth & humanity no matter their race, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, level of income, or any other variation. Maybe that's the basis for a better future - it's only taken 13 billion years

Capitalism’s evil stems from exploitation - but even in a world without money - where everyone might do their jobs for "free" because their needs for housing, food, education, healthcare, & safety are granted as rights - we still need infrastructure/maintenance/innovation.

I’d love if people could live by their own art, which we all have inside of us - grow our own food, build our own homes - but like a million pieces pulled apart & scattered around the world, there’s no way to survive without working together - it's just not a fair fight.

Monday, July 13, 2020


Lies are a last resort of those more desperate to seem right than be real.

Don't let them make a bad example out of you. Of us.

No tyranny in Portland or anywhere else.

Black Lives Matter never meant yours didn't. Intersectional solidarity!

P.S. Care about the vulnerable, each other, everyone, and wear a face mask. Ask your local officials for aid and resources. Without action from those in power, this is social murder.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4th, 2020

When people are dependent they are at risk of being exploited.

It seems there is an effort to push people into a state of dependency right now. I want to believe this could be stopped if powerful people cared, if they are made aware, but I also recognize we may all be up against forces who hold power beyond anything the average person could fathom.

We were kept in the dark on purpose. Perhaps we never got the change we wanted because it's in the best interests of whoever is most in power to keep us this way - otherwise we would be harder to control. Harder to track. I personally feel someone's jealousy and/or resentment has tried to take every possible happiness from me - but that may be my own problem. I want to live, and live well, and if I can, I will find a way. A way without help, because I believe that's what's worked against me - but this experience is why I'm reaching out to you.

Most people want to extend gratitude when they are helped, but if you understood that "help" was working against you, exploiting you, maybe even hurting you - would you want to accept it unless you saw no other choice? Try to find another way. Make another way.

Maybe you personally are comfortable right now. Those who are at an advantage in any system or situation are the least likely to want change, even if that system puts so many more in crisis.

I could be wrong, but I see how people may be targeted - for what reasons I can only guess - maybe because they are deemed expendable, or difficult, or disobedient, or just different.

Maybe they have no one else and are vulnerable.

This seems to go across demographics - age, race, gender. If you aren't towing some kind of status quo - I'm worried you (and I) may be selected to suffer or be utilized for someone else's agenda.

Maybe it's different where you are - but do you feel this too?
Do you care?
Don't answer that here.

Be careful who and what you trust.
I haven't wanted to post anything because I'm not really sure what's going on - but I have seen too many patterns repeat - and if it could help save anyone's life  - it's worth it.

Happy Independence Day.
May we define what it means to be American and Human in such a way that has space at the table for everyone.
P.S. try to work with a sense of peace - I'm afraid the powerful will take it as an excuse to destroy us otherwise.
P.P.S. I love you

*this was also posted to my Facebook ( - but it seems my account has been compromised so I posted to a second (and the only other real) account - I have no idea why there's a 58)

Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Curricula: Race, Social Class, LGBTQ, Gender, Indigeneity, Nationality, Disability, Intersectionality, Black Lives Matter in Schools
Salisbury University

Writing Beyond Race / the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy
Carnegie Mellon University

Restorative Justice
Innocent Project

Decriminalization and Law Reform:

Race Decriminalization and Criminal Legal System Reform
New York University Law

Decriminalisation or legalisation: injecting evidence in the drug law reform debate
University of New South Wales: Sydney
National Drug & Alcohol Research Center

National Alliance on Mental Illness

American Humanist Association

People can change 15%
Modern Family Season 1 Episode 13: "Fifteen Percent"

Human Rights Watch

will update...

Version sent to Portland Mercury:
My social media accounts seem compromised.

When people are dependent they are at risk of being exploited.

I see and effort to push people into a state of dependency. I want to believe this could be stopped if powerful people cared, if they are made aware, but we may all be up against forces who hold power beyond anything the average person could fathom.

We were kept in the dark on purpose. Perhaps we never got real change because it's in the best interests of whoever is most in power to keep us this way.

Most people want to extend gratitude when they are helped, but if you understood that "help" was working against you, exploiting & hurting you - would you want to accept it unless you saw no other choice? Try to find another way. Make another way. Try to work with a sense of peace - I'm afraid the powerful will take it as an excuse to destroy us otherwise.

Maybe you personally are comfortable right now. Those who are at an advantage in any system or situation are the least likely to want change, even if that system puts so many more in crisis.

I could be wrong, but I see how people may be targeted - why I can only guess - maybe because we are deemed expendable, difficult, disobedient, or just different.

Maybe they have no one else and are vulnerable.

This seems to go across demographics - I'm worried we may be selected to suffer or be utilized for someone else's agenda.

Be careful who and what you trust.
I have seen too many patterns repeat - and if it could help save anyone's life  - it's worth it.

May we define what it means to be Human in such a way that has space at the table for everyone.

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