Sunday, March 16, 2014

When was the last time you were angry?

Not enraged or violent, but purely angry?

Like a balanced focus of energy
A rain in the summer

When was the last time you looked behind the curtain
and realized your life didn't have to be this way?

You might not be miserable
tonight, or at all, but if you have any range of emotion
one day you will
one day you will be angry

you will have known what I know
and know that lessons come to us in many ways but the message is the same
tear down these walls
take off the chains

I am angry because of something I am not sure is worth explaining
because if you've never seen anything like it
it's hard for you to understand all that it is
that's just human nature

and even more so
to defend your experiences
or the abilities of your imagination
or to feed the hunger of knowledge just out of reach
and then I tell the story
and then you react the same way
because you cannot know
what you don't learn

And did you know
did you learn
that there are kids who never know
never learn
aren't taught
how to be like you

Do you care? Do you need a reason to?
When the cashier and the customer exchange blah blah blah
same scene as before
only now it's clear why it's not funny

I'm not funny
I'm angry
It's true.

There is humor as an intelligence and humor as a defense mechanism
a decoy or a method diffusion
as opposed to being a way
to get at a deeper truth

but the worst is the jokster seeking approval
because laughter is currency
and they are the 1%

we give up so easily
our power
our rights
our natures
our money
our love
for some promise
long broken

Moutain top poem

looks are decieving

you can't know anything that matters
anything within
without talking to them
or experiencing their work
which is why we should all write
and paint
and develop ourselves in every way
to be well rounded
to pass on the genes of what we've learned

If you don't know what being cared for feels like you will always feel uncared for

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