You have one life.
On this earth, at this time, in this body, with this mind. Etc.
For American males, you live an average of 74 years.
For American females, you live an average of 79 years.
It is not too early to think about how you will spend your life.
You do not have to wait to “live”.
While the lifestyle of MHS is restrictive and oppressive;
This gives you the opportunity to creatively find ways to “live”.
I’m not referring to drugs, alcohol, sex, or other things that we think are cool mostly because we’re not allowed to do them. The abuse of these things is one of the main reasons why we’re stuck here in the first place. Don’t repeat the mistakes that make really living impossible.
If you love the arts – you better be strumming, drumming, or singing every chance you get. I hope you're getting scripts out of the LRC and reading them out loud in your room at night. Draw all over your papers. It gives them character, and you get practice – you only need a goddamn 2.0 G.P.A. for art school anyway. Dance when everyone is looking.
If you love sports – why the hell aren’t you on a team? Fuck anybody who’ll say shit to you – they’re just mad they didn’t even have the guts to sign up. Besides, the underdog always wins – one way or another. And if you are on the team, set yourself apart from the other players in any way you can.
If you're into business/science/math/pathways/whatever else – read up on what you love. See how the people before you made it in their industry. Find new ways to maybe make that industry better. It only takes one person to start the domino effect that ends up touching everything around it.
Embrace your mistakes, your flaws, and your personal whatevers. Half the time they are considered style. They set you apart. They make other people remember you.
Always remember that this is a world is full of people.
Not superheroes. Not saviors. Not anti-Christs.
Anyone you’ve ever held above you as a figure of authority, power, or fear: Every stranger, police officer, president, administrator, doctor, teacher, parent, houseparent, or peer - is a single person.
People who make mistakes, regret, hope, love, bleed, cry, take a shit like twice a week, and have opinions.
All this world has is people – birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, death – people.
Control your fears. It’s natural to be afraid. It’s common to understand your fear. It’s mature to get over your fear. It’s powerful to use your fear to create something positive.
Finally, learn to communicate. Since we all understand (by now) that life is short and important – why go another day holding in your thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
If you can’t find anyone who wants to listen to you here, talk to people on the internet. Write on bathroom stalls. Make posters. Write mass e-mails. Get your voice out.
Communication is huge because that’s the most direct, and complete, way we are able to express ourselves. It’s what sets us apart from animals. The ability to understand each other.
How many problems can you count that could have been completely avoided if two people had just bothered saying a couple words to one another?!
Anyway, I just wanted to say all this stuff to you guys. I hope you read it, though I won’t expect too much of a response. At least I got my voice out, right?!
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