listening to: Listen to Drug Use for Grown-Ups by Dr. Carl L. Hart on Audible.
around chapter 10
a grandfather I never met was sentenced to 15 years for heroin
for a drug I've never seen in real life myself - but I used to sell kratom and people shared how much it helped them - many in recovery
he'd had a lifetime of getting in trouble in ways that maybe he wouldn't have if he'd been the same age today
I wonder how much everything would be different if drugs hadn't been taboo at all - no one running towards them because they seemed dangerous, or demonizing them to redeem their own past use as is toooooo common
does this mean I'm probably biologically predisposed to need external sources for dopamine or something?
didn't my mom used to say she drank 10 cups of coffee a day?
and my dad would go through two cases of soda a week.
is it awesome I live in a time when cannabis is a legal option and it's all I care about personally, even over alcohol? not to act better than anybody - we are all bags of different chemical reactions.
I don't drink soda, but I need caffiene if my body is going to function.
could someone use that anecdotal evidence to argue that cannabis is useful medicine? at least I'm not stuck on something that will definitely kill me, which is the only legitimate reason to nudge people away from their vices - every other reason ends up wrapped up in some stigmatized historically cruel bullshit - once you know, you know.
I'd say yes. cannabis helps me.
life is so different when you can afford to think there is likely a tomorrow - and you'll be part of it
just don't forget the people still being demonized for stupid shit - even once you get your own sense of freedom