Thursday, March 10, 2022

Sit back and watch the news, I guess (because what else are you gonna do?)

worried we're all living out an awful purge movie

seeing the same refugee in people fleeing war

as those turned away at the border

as those living out on the street

as me -

people without somewhere else to call home

cruel chaos

I feel so powerless.


I could be evicted
Lose everything

What will you think of me
if you happen to see me one day?

You wouldn’t even know me
to know what to think

I don’t deserve to lose my home
No one does

I’m just poor
Not expendable

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Breonna Taylor was murdered

Before 2020 I'd guess 80% of people cared about human rights.

But if 20% were terrified into silence,

and 20% were gagged - barred from protests, incarcerated, lost everything or are under duress,

20% exhausted due to stress...

Only 20% might be left

energized & free 

to actively protest now.

An illusion of "the few".

Making it seem like it's only a "minority" who care,

so they can be discounted and dismissed.

Do the 60% missing know that's bullshit?

Will they still be there in the ways they can when they are needed?

Where are they now?

Where did people go?

Why did protests spring to life like they did -

why did it feel like the world could have changed -

only to leave us in a shadow of tears and disappointment?

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