It's the second of September
but could this still count for the first?
I enjoy the motivation
of starting things fresh
on a brand new day
of a brand new month
(nerd that I am).
I'm trying to get groceries.
It's almost 3am.
I have so many things I want to say that I would need seven mouths and twelve hands
just to get it all down, all at once.
There are no times available.
Oh woe.
Well no, really that's not good, but I seem to be taking it well.
Do you ever surprise yourself by how okay you are?
Just hope something opens up.
This is not important content.
This is not stuff that needs to be written so badly, the future depends on it.
I have ideas I would put into that category but they're not ready yet.
Just going to post this and come back later.
Better to have posted something than to not have posted at all....
...the stomach acid is churning in my guts.
What if it's the last time?
The last time I can get food like this?
The last time I'm in my home?
The last time I even have the privilege of choice?
The last time I felt like someone, anyone, was looking out for me?
The last time anything worked - whether in your favor or just the way you expected it to or both...